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Remarc Pty Ltd A.C.N. 005 844 039 (trading as Steve Cramer Products) ("the Vendor") offers to sell 
the goods described on the reverse hereof to the purchaser to whom this invoice is addressed for 
the price and subject to the terms of payment for the goods set out hereof. The 
purchaser accepts the goods on the following conditions:

1.     Price and terms of payment for the goods are as set out on the reverse hereof, and unless 
otherwise stated, payment shall be made within 30 days from end of month of invoice.  If  the terms 
of the purchaser's order are different from these terms of trading then delivery of the goods to 
the purchaser  constitutes  an  offer by the vendor to sell  the goods to the purchaser  on these 
terms and  acceptance of the goods  by the purchaser shall be acceptance by the purchaser of these 
terms of trading.

2.     All  taxes, customs,  duties,  stamp  duties and duties  of excise of an  nature  whatsoever 
now levied  by any governmental authority  whether federal, state or local either directly or 
indirectly upon the goods or upon freight charges (if any) shall be paid by the purchaser.

3.     The vendor reserves the right to add to the price of the goods any increase of the items set 
out in 2 hereof levied during the currency of the contract and before delivery of the goods.

4.     The purchaser hereby agrees to the following:
(a)   If  delivery is to take place at the vendor's warehouse the goods shall be at the purchaser's 
risk on delivery.
(b)   If  delivery is to take place other than  at the vendor's warehouse  risk  in the goods shall 
pass to the purchaser  immediately  the goods begin to be loaded for the carriage to the agreed 
place of delivery.

5.     The vendor reserves the right to require payment for any delivery hereunder  in advance or 
to require that satisfactory security for payment to be given prior to such delivery.  If the 
purchaser fails to make payment in accordance with the terms of this agreement, or fails to comply 
with any provisions of this agreement, the vendor reserves the right to cancel any delivery of 
goods and partially completed work.

6.     The vendor shall be entitled to invoice the purchaser on the date the products are delivered 
to the carrier.

7.     The vendor shall not be liable for failure to deliver or delayed delivery by reason of the 
following matters affecting delivery:­
(a)   fires, floods or other casualities;,
(b)   wars, riots, civil uprising, embargoes, government regulations, or vendor's inability to 
obtain necessary materials from its usual source of supply;
(c)   delays in transportation to the purchaser howsoever caused;
(d)   existing  of future  strikes  or  other  labour  troubles  affecting  production  or  
delivery  whether  involving  employees  of  the  vendor  or employees or other regardless of 
responsibility or fault on the part of the employer;
(e)    other contingencies of manufacture of delivery whether or nor of a class mention and not 
reasonably within the vendor's control.

8.     Until the goods are paid for in full the ownership thereof shall  remain with the vendor.   
Until the goods are paid for in full the relationship between the parties shall be fiduciary and 
the purchaser shall hold the goods as bailee for the vendor.  The vendor may, if the purchaser is 
in default  of  payment  for  the goods,  retake  possession  of the goods  without  notice,  
without  being  liable  for  any  loses  incurred  or damage sustained  as a direct  or  indirect  
consequence  of the  vendor  retaking  possession  of the goods.   The  purchaser  agrees  that the 
vendor  has access to its premises for the purpose of retaining  possession  of the goods.   The 
vendor shall have all of the above rights notwithstanding that the purchaser defaults or commits an 
act of bankruptcy or a receiver is appointed of the purchaser's business or the purchaser goes into 
liquidation.  The purchaser acknowledges that the vendor has the right to resell any of the goods 
of which it has retaken possession.

9.     If  the vendor has consented  to the purchaser  disposing of the goods to a third party such 
consent is conditional upon the vendor  being paid in full and the purchaser hereby agrees to  
notify any subsequent purchaser that he former does not have any title in the goods and that title 
in the goods cannot pass from the vendor until the vendor has been paid in full for the goods.
10.   Should  the purchaser  default  in  making any payment then the vendor has the right to 
charge  interest  at the rate charged  by the Vendors bankers  for  overdraft  accommodation,  suck 
interest  to  be  calculated  from  invoice  date  to  the  date  of  full  and  final  payment  
by  the purchaser.

11.   lf the purchaser  becomes  insolvent  or bankrupt or calls a meeting  of creditors  or goes 
into liquidation, voluntary  or otherwise  the vendor may suspend delivery or cancel the order.

12.   Any  legal  costs  or  expenses  incurred  by the  vendor  in  recovery  of  any  outstanding 
payment  under  this  invoice  will  be  payable  by  the purchaser.

13.   The  vendor  warrants  that  its  products  are  of  high  quality  and  free  from  
manufacturing  defects.    However,  subject  to  such  statutory warranties as cannot be validly 
excluded,  no warranty is given that the  goods sold are suitable in size, shape, capacity, quality 
or otherwise for the purpose for which the goods are brought.

14.   Any special  terms of sale on the reverse hereof are by this reference incorporated  herein  
with  the same force and effects as those set out herein in full and shall prevail to the extent of 
any inconsistency with these printed terms and conditions.

15.   The purchaser shall inspect the goods forthwith  upon their delivery and shall within seven 
days from such inspection give written notice to the vendor of any matter or thing by reason 
whereof the purchaser may allege that the goods are not in accordance with the Contract.  lf the 
purchaser  shall  not  allege  such  matter  then  to the  extent  permitted  by  statute  the  
goods  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  accepted  by  the purchaser and the purchaser shall pay 
for the same.

16.   If  any terms or provision (or part thereof) of these terms of trading is held by account of 
competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable or contrary to public policy then these terms 
of trading shall be read as if such terms or provision (or part thereof) had never been in these 
terms of trading and were severed  therefrom leaving the remainder of the terms of trading legal 
valid and enforceable.

17.   The vendor shall not be responsible for any consequential loss or damage which may be 
occasioned  by any breakdown, stoppage or failure of the goods from any cause whatsoever.

I 8.   Subject  to the vendor's  prior  consent orders  accepted  by  the vendor  can  not  be 
cancelled  by the purchaser  prior to delivery.   For  goods delivered to a purchaser, credit for 
returned goods will be allowed as follows:-
(a)    in every case the original number and date of invoice must be quoted by the purchaser.
(b)   All goods must be returned to the vendor warehouse on which the order is placed within 30 
days of delivery, packaged in their original and  unmarked  condition  complete  with  all  
documents  originally  supplied  therewith  and  the  amount  allowed  for  credit  will  be  the 
invoice value for goods returned less 20%;
(c)    All charges for outward and inward freight, packing and delivery will be deducted from the 
credit allowed.

19.   The terms of trading and any writing in the reverse hereof shall constitute the entire 
agreement between the parties except to the extent that such terms of trading are modified in 
writing and signed by both the parties.

20.   The vendor  shall,  in respect of all  unpaid  debts due from the purchaser  have a general  
lien  on  all goods ordered  by the purchaser  in  the hands of the vendor  and shall  be entitled 
on  the expiration  of fourteen  (14) days notice to the purchaser  to dispose of such goods as the 
vendor thinks fit and to apply the proceeds towards such unpaid debts.

21.   This agreement shall be governed  by the laws of the State of Victoria and the parties hereby 
submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of that State for the resolution of any dispute under this agreement.

Po Box 1064 Braeside, Melbourne, Vic, 3195

© 2024 Steve Cramer Products

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